Tag Archives: Western University of Health Sciences

How to Donate Your Pet’s Body to a Veterinary School

Make Lasting Tribute to Your Pet by Donating Your Pet’s Body

Losing a pet is like losing a family member. One way to honor your companion animal is by donating his or her body to a veterinary school. Not only will your donation teach a student about anatomy, it will also encourage a commitment to humane treatment of animals.

We donated Molly's body to a veterinary school.
We donated Molly's body to a veterinary school.

A growing number of veterinary school now offer willed body programs, similar to ones that medical schools have been using for decades.

Veterinary schools are turning to the willed body model of obtaining cadavers out of ethical concern about using bodies from other sources, such as: animal shelters; breeders who breed animals for research or teaching; the greyhound industry (retired dogs); or biological supply companies. Using animal bodies that have been willingly donated fits with a more humane philosophy.

Donated cadavers are stored in cold storage until needed and then dissected by veterinary students. Students learn about anatomy and gain technical skills of working with a real body. Most schools have a ceremony to honor the pets in the program. The remains are then cremated. Schools may offer the option of having the ashes returned to you. Otherwise the ashes are usually scattered at sea.

By donating your pet’s body, you are  supporting ethical treatment of animals and the training of future veterinarians. An added benefit is that you usually do not have to pay for any cremation services. More important is the lasting tribute you make to your pet through education that improves the health and well being of other animals. Read about our experience donating our dog’s body.

According to the Humane Society the following schools have programs

  • University of California at Davis
  • Texas A&M University
  • Tufts University
  • University of Florida (for large animals only)
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • University of Wisconsin at Madison
  • Western University of Health Sciences

You may check other schools directly as well.

Molly's legacy lives on in the knowledge gained by a veterinary student.
Molly's legacy lives on in the knowledge gained by a veterinary student.

Pet owners arrange for their animal’s body to be donated by talking to their veterinarian ahead of time and filling out some paperwork. The process is simple.

Obtain information from the school nearest you for the details of its program. The school will provide you with paperwork to fill out.

Let your veterinarian know of your plans. If you bring your pet in for euthanasia, bring the paperwork with you. Be sure to bring directions from the school about how the body will be picked up.

Tell your veterinarian to include the pet’s charts with the body.
This will help the veterinary student to gain as much information as possible about the animal and will enhance the educational opportunity.

If you like, write a few short paragraphs about your pet to include with the chart as well as a photo. The student will gain not only scientific knowledge and technical skill, but also a deeper philosophical of the value of a pet’s life.  We did this.

Inquire if the school has any ceremony, publication or other tribute that you can participate in to help honor the pet. Finally, let others know about your experience.  I take great comfort in knowing that a veterinarian student’s knowledge was furthered by our donation of Molly’s body. Read about our experience.

Related posts on my site:

How to Cope with the Loss of a Pet

How to Help Kids Say Goodbye to a Pet

find my eHow How to Cope with the Loss of a Pet

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How to Cope with the Loss of a Pet

Molly growing up with our daughter. Molly is ages 4, 10, and 13.
Our Dalmatian, Molly, growing up with our daughter. Molly is ages 4, 10, and 13.

Pets are part of the family. Yet pets live shorter lives than the humans. We watch them age and die sooner than other family members.

The bond between human and animal companions is forged by love, joy, trust and loyalty. Real grief is to be expected when death breaks the connection.  How does one cope?

People in mourning after the death of a dog, cat or other pet experience conflicting feelings. You will likely go through stages of grief when any loved one dies.

  • Denial
  • Anger
  • Bargaining
  • Depression
  • Acceptance

The whole family will be under stress. Some may be able to move to acceptance faster than others. Be patient with those who need time. Do not belittle them or ask them to “just get over it.”

Paying tribute to your companion can help the family gain closure. Have a memorial ceremony. Share memories. Say a toast. Light a candle. Assemble a scrapbook. Write an essay and share it. Frame a photo and put it in a place of honor. You may want to treasure a keepsake, such a collar or tag. (I keep these in my jewelry box.)  Plant a plant, tree or flower. (We planted a bulb that flowers in the spring in remembrance of our Dalmatian.)

Take positive action in your pet’s name. Make a contribution to a shelter, dog park, veterinary school or other animal-related cause.

Avoid isolation. Friends who have been through this experience will understand your need to talk.  Avoid those who think of pets as “just animals.” Today people do send pet sympathy cards or flowers.

Do not feel guilty if you made the tough decision to have your pet euthanized. Do not let others judge you negatively. Helping your animal die is a loving action. Be proud of your courage in taking it.

Be honest and open with your kids. This may be a opportunity to teach them a healthy understanding about death. Get them an age-appropriate pet grief book. Be patient. Listen. They may be traumatized emotionally and even physically. They may lash out or be unable to concentrate. Inform their teacher about the death. Let children participate in any memorial.  An art project or a poem will help them express feelings.

Older people sometimes have the toughest time mourning the loss of a pet. Check in so they do not feel alone.

Be sensitive to remaining pets who may be confused or grieving as well. Try to keep to their routine as much as possible. Give them extra attention.

Do not adopt a new pet right away. Although you will always miss the deceased animal, you will eventually accept his or her death.  At that point you will be ready to consider getting another pet.  A kitten or puppy requires energy and emotional commitment. Wait until the whole family is ready.

Know that others have gone on to accept their pet’s death, and you will too in time. Your veterinarian may be able to direct you to grief counseling if you need it.

Our companion animals impart lessons about the most important things in life: patience, responsibility, commitment, communication, fun, loyalty, respect and love. Years from now, certain sights, sounds or smells may trigger a memory of your beloved dog or cat. But these moments will make you smile, not cry.  You will appreciate how much your pet enriched your life. And you will know that even in death, he or she was giving you a gift: the lesson of how to accept mortality and cope with loss of something that we hold dear.

Related post: How to Help Kids Say Goodbye to a Pet,

Related post: How to Donate Your Pet’s Body to a Veterinary School.

If you live in Southern California you may want to consider donating your pet’s body to the College of Veterinary Medicine at Western University of Health Sciences.  As part of its reverence-for-life philosophy it does not accept cadavers from shelters. Click here for more information on their Willed Deceased Animals for Veterinary Education (WAVE) program. Read about our experience donating Molly’s body to WesternU and Molly’s legacy.

For my birthday, my sister painted  Molly and our cat Brownie as angels.
For my birthday, my sister painted Molly and our cat Brownie as angels.

Here’s some links to books that may help you mourn a pet.

Rescuing Sprite: A Dog Lover’s Story of Joy and Anguish

My Dog, Chloe: Grieving the Loss of a Man’s Best Friend

The Memorial Service & The Grieving Guide (2 Disc Set)

Everything for a DogPaw Prints in Heaven?: Christians and Pet Loss

Honey the Rock Hound: A Puppy Dies A Family Mourns

you can find more links to books about pet death here