A fun site from pastemagazine.com allows you to quickly take a photo and turn it into art in the style of the iconic Obama poster.

Just go to Obamicon.me and follow the easy instructions. The trick to make the poster look good is to play with the sliders that allow you to adjust how much dark blue, light blue, red and white is in the image. As a Photoshop guru, I think this a neat little way for just about anyone to make a posterized image without having to know all about Photoshop. You can then download, email or put the images into Facebook. The site has more than a half million pics in the gallery now!
Most photos look great just doing it this way. If you want, you can go into Photoshop or another program first, and cut out the background so it has less detail. I did this with my puppy. You can also edit the pic after you download it. Make sure to change it from index color to rgb. I also made the white whiter on mine. Have fun.
Very cool. (Thanks, Rex, for showing me the site!) Try it.

If you just want to buy a Obama Hope campaign poster, check out this Aamzon link.
Amazon has a few other Obama items I like. Like this hat . . . .
And this company sells a cool little pins that looks like the front page of the newspaper for historic events. Check out the one about Obama making history. Would make a nifty little gift for an Obama supporter.
I love the superhero version of Obama on this t-shirt. There are tons of items at Amazon. These were my favorites.